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4.27 million Mobile Number Portability requests in May

Telecom Lead India:  Mobile Number Portability
requests increased from 45.89 million subscribers at the end of April 2012 to
50.16 million at the end of May 2012.

In the month of May 2012 alone, 4.27 million requests
have been made for MNP.

By the end of May 2012 about 50.16 million subscribers
have submitted their requests to different service providers for porting their
mobile number, according to TRAI.

In MNP Zone-I (Northern & Western India) maximum
number of requests have been received in Rajasthan (4.62 million) followed by
Gujarat (4.58 million) whereas in MNP Zone-II (Southern & Eastern) maximum
number of requests have been received in Karnataka (5.82 million) followed by
Andhra Pradesh Service area (4.81 million). In the month of May 2012, total
number of subscribers who have submitted their request for MNP is 4.27 million.

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