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Tejas Networks to supply PTN solutions to SACOFA

SACOFA, a telecom infrastructure vendor in Sarawak, Malaysia, has selected Tejas Networks Packet Transport Networking (PTN) solutions.

Tejas Networks will assist SACOFA, a provider of up to 400 Gbps of capacity to licensed network operators in Malaysia, to expand its mobile backhaul infrastructure to over 550 wireless towers allowing its customers to expand 3G/4G coverage to over 2.3 million residents.

SACOFA has more than 3000km of terrestrial fiber deployed in the state of Sarawak.

Tejas Networks XTN TJ1400-7 and TJ1600-11 will assist SACOFA to to provide Carrier Ethernet and circuit-emulated E1 SAToP (Structure Agnostic TDM over Packet) services for all applications.  The additional capacity will enable SACOFA to become more responsive to the dynamic communication requirements of its customers.

“Our Packet Transport Solutions enable SACOFA to build a future-ready infrastructure that is capable of serving the needs of multiple 2G, 3G and 4G mobile service providers and simultaneously meet their demanding SLAs,” said Sanjay Nayak, CEO of Tejas Networks.

Tejas Networks’ PTN solution — based upon the XTN TJ1600-11, TJ1400-7 and TJ1400-P products – provides packet transport solutions for mobile, broadband, Cloud and enterprise services.

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