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Arcadyan selects 5G test platforms from Keysight

Arcadyan has selected Keysight Technologies’s 5G test platforms to validate consumer premises equipment (CPE) for fixed wireless access applications (FWA).
Keysight 5G testing solutionsArcadyan, a Taiwan-based provider of broadband access, multimedia and wireless technology solutions, will use Keysight’s UXM 5G Wireless Test Platform.

5G fixed wireless access market is expected to increase at a CAGR of 97 percent between 2019 and 2026, surpassing $46 billion by 2026. This growth is primarily driven by a demand for high-speed broadband and low latency connectivity in homes and businesses, including smart factories that are ramping up deployments of machine-to-machine IoT applications.

“The performance of high-speed wireless connectivity applications relies on infrastructure and devices that have undergone rigorous testing according to the latest standards for 5G, 4G LTE and Wi-Fi,” Cao Peng, senior director of Keysight’s communications solutions group, said in a statement.

Keysight supports Arcadyan to create 5G products that deliver enhanced fixed broadband services in urban, suburban and rural environments. Keysight’s 5G device test solutions allow Arcadyan to verify modems, radio frequency (RF) transceivers, RF front-end (RFFE) and antenna modules used in commercial 5G CPE devices.

“Keysight has enabled Arcadyan to provide end-to-end solutions that allow consumers to access reliable broadband connectivity in their homes,” said Yeh Doo, product manager – head of Arcadyan 5G product line.

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