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Alcatel-Lucent signs 3-year frame agreement with Tanzania Telecom

Alcatel-Lucent single-carrier 200G DWDM optical line card
Telecom network vendor Alcatel-Lucent on Tuesday announced its 3-year frame agreement with the Tanzania Telecommunications Company (TTCL) to modernize IP/MPLS and optical transport networks.

The investment will allow TTCL to meet the demands of its fixed and mobile access customers for data services in preparation for the launch of 4G LTE services.

Alcatel-Lucent will deploy its IP routing and 100G agile optical networking (AON) DWDM technology to transform TTCL’s operations, converging fixed and mobile access on to one network, to meet the bandwidth needs of its 300,000 fixed network subscribers.

Mobile phone use in Tanzania is currently at 75 percent of the population and growing by 20 percent each year.

Alcatel-Lucent will also deploy its 7750 Service Router family, 7210 Service Access Switch, and 7705 Service Aggregation Router for routing and aggregation functionality in the core, metro and access network, and its 1830 Photonic Service Switch, for OTN and DWDM functionality.

The telecom network vendor will deploy the technology nationwide. Major cities of Dodoma, Dar es Salaam, Arusha, Morogoro, and Mwanza will be covered initially. Dodoma and Dar Es Salaam will be completed in December 2015.

Kamugisha Kazaura, CEO of TTCL said: “Working with Alcatel-Lucent and leveraging its IP and optical transport technology as well as expertise we can enable new network efficiencies that will allow us to both meet the growing demands of our customers and help contribute to the development of ICT in Tanzania.”

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