TPG Telecom, a prominent Australian telecommunications company, announced that the exclusive due diligence period granted to Vocus Group, a Macquarie-backed rival, for their bid...
Telstra Group and TPG Telecom, two telecommunications giants in Australia, have announced their decision not to appeal a significant ruling by the country’s competition...
Nokia, TPG Telecom, and MediaTek have unveiled an immersive glimpse into the future of the Metaverse through a live 360-degree video broadcast.
This revolutionary experience,...
Australia’s TPG Telecom has confirmed that it received a significant offer of A$6.3 billion ($4.21 billion) from Vocus, a rival company backed by Macquarie,...
The Australian Competition Tribunal has upheld the decision of the ACCC to reject the proposed regional spectrum authorisation arrangements between Telstra Corporation and TPG...