Telecom Lead Team: Axin and Huawei Marine announced the
finalization of a survey agreement for the trans-Tasman Optikor Network.
survey to be launched is a critical element of the project, as the data
collected will allow Huawei Marine to deploy a system properly designed for the
changing conditions along the route and the information received will greatly
enhance system security.
new trans-Tasman link, which is set to be completed by the end of 2013, will be
more than 3,000KM in length and will connect Sydney, Australia with South
Island and North Island, New Zealand. Initially designed to provide a capacity
of 120G with 1 fiber pair, the link will eventually provide 6.4 Tbit/s with 2
fibre pairs. This solution will address the large capacity requirements in the
region and become the main broadband solution provider between Australia and
New Zealand.
plans for Australia’s National Broadband Network and New Zealand’s Ultra Fast
Broadband initiatives continue, the necessity of efficient international
communications across the Tasman has become increasingly important. The Optikor
Network will provide high capacity, high speed, and a secure and reliable
environment to transport the future expansion flow of the information for the
two countries.