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Orange, SandyNet, Frontier, Swisscom, NBN investing in Gfast

Telecom operators such as Orange, SandyNet, Frontier, Post Luxembourg, Swisscom, Skywire Networks, and Australia’s National Broadband Network (NBN) are investing in Gfast solutions, said Broadband Forum.
Broadband technology sourcesThere are 42 certified-interoperable Gfast solutions for the 106MHz profile. Gfast is gaining popularity among broadband operators looking to deploy cost-effective last mile connectivity over existing copper lines.

Operators are using Gfast to complement their fiber build-outs for the deployment of Fiber-to-the-Curb (FTTC) and Fiber-to-the-Building (FTTB).

BT Openreach is set to deploy Fiber-to-the-Premises (FTTP) to 3 million UK premises and pass around 10 million homes with Gfast by 2021. This will enable the UK-based operator to offer 330Mbps services over its current FTTC network by upgrading the equipment in the cabinet.

“The bandwidth and reach advantages of fiber will continue to make it the access technology of choice where it can be installed cost effectively, but Gfast has a key role to play as it allows them to offer the same service levels,” said Kevin Foster, head of Broadband Technical Standards and Ecosystems Architecture & Strategy at BT.

Gfast is also important for broadband deployments where universal fiber deployment can be problematic and costly.

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