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5G network performance of AT&T, T-Mobile and Verizon: Opensignal

The latest Opensignal report has revealed the performance of 5G network operators such as AT&T, T-Mobile and Verizon Communications in the United States.
Omantel 5G network
T-Mobile doubles its lead in 5G Download Speed

T-Mobile is the leader in 5G download speed for the third time in a row doubling its lead on the second place from 16.3 Mbps to 35.2 Mbps.

T-Mobile users achieved 5G download speeds of 87.5 Mbps, ahead of users on AT&T and Verizon which both scored 52.3 Mbps.

T-Mobile smartphone users’ 5G download speed has increased by 16.3 Mbps compared to the April 5G report, and 29.4 Mbps compared to January 5G report. By comparison, users on AT&T’s 5G mobile network experienced a reduction of by 2.7 Mbps in 5G download speed since the last report. 5G users of Verizon achieved 4.5 Mbps improvement.

Neville Ray, President of Technology at T-Mobile, said: “We built T-Mobile’s 5G network with broad coverage, high capacity and low latency to fuel innovation and bring transformative 5G experiences to customers. This is how you build the best 5G network in the country, and we’re just getting started.”

T-Mobile’s 5G covers 300 million people – nearly everyone in the country. T-Mobile’s 5G covers 92 percent of Interstate Highway miles across America compared to just 68 percent for AT&T and 51 percent for Verizon.

5G Availability

T-Mobile’s 5G network dominates in terms of both 5G Availability and 5G Reach. Users on T-Mobile and AT&T saw their 5G Availability and 5G Reach scores increase since the previous report. 5G users recorded slight declines in both metrics for Verizon. 5G Availability reflects the proportion of time that 5G users have an active 5G connection, while 5G Reach represents the proportion of locations a 5G user visits that have a 5G signal.

5G Upload Speed

T-Mobile wins the 5G Upload Speed award with a score of 15.1 Mbps, which is statistically unchanged compared to our previous report. Verizon places second showing an improvement of 1.2 Mbps and reaching 14.2 Mbps, while AT&T follows behind with 8.8 Mbps — a 1.2 Mbps decline since our April 2021 5G report.

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